Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The SHOWING WE CARE! Special Christmas Offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of raising money for four specific ministry initiatives.

Community Service: To support our new ministry to our local community.
Why Community Service? This generation is turned off by churches and people who don’t live what they claim to believe. They don’t want to hear about what we believe; they want to see our beliefs in our actions. If we are going to live like Jesus we must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and love the outcasts—all in the name of Christ. That means it’s not what we do in the church; it’s how we serve others outside of the church. If we truly live a missional and Spirit filled life, this generation might join us and do what we do, then one day believe what we believe.

Children’s Easter Outreach: To share God’s love to our community at Easter.
This helps pay for the Petting Zoo we have sponsored each Easter. It also partially covers crafts, activities, games, and candy for our Kidz Krew Ministry. This has been one of the great highlights of our Easter outreach and provides tremendous opportunities for our families to invite the people from their OIKOS to our church to experience a Christ honoring Easter celebration.

Youth Summer Mission Trip: To support our youth as they learn to serve Christ outside of Idaho. These funds will help us to develop a one week, cross cultural summer mission trip for our students.

Building Fund: To support our ongoing efforts to provide a physical church home.
We are looking forward to the future when we will be able to secure our own property and or facility so we are no longer mobile.  

This Special Offering will be received through December 31, 2011. Please use the special envelope in your bulletin or mark your checks or online gifts with “Showing We Care!”

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The River Christmas Offering
Showing We Care!
Now through December 31, 2011

Dear River Friends and Family,
I am excited to share with you information regarding the SHOWING WE CARE! Special Christmas offering that begins now and runs through December 31st. In the past two years we have raised just over $2,500.00! This year we have four different goals.

First base Goal: $1,500.00– This is the starting point. If we raise $1,500 above our regular giving so we can develop and support our four ministry objectives that would be awesome. In baseball a base hit is awesome, but you never want to stay on first base. Can you imagine what could be done with $2,500.00? $3,000.00? How about $5,000! Will you help us to hit a HOME RUN?!
As a young missional church in the Treasure Valley, we are committed to doing everything we can to carry out the vision God has given us; “Helping people find their way to God and teaching them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus”. Our community is not irreligious, it is packed with people who believe in God but have given up on the church for one reason or another. With this in mind we are a non-traditional, modern church for people who have given up on the traditional church, but not on God.
When we began The River, we determined to give our people the best opportunities available to discover what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus. With this offering you
have the opportunity to deepen your commitment to Christ, enlarge your ministry commitment and opportunities, and provide for the needs of others.
This offering is specifically designated to:
Our new Community Service Ministry to help us focus on meeting the needs of the people outside of our church, our Children's Community Easter Outreach, Youth Summer Mission Trip, and our Building Fund.
I hope you will carefully look over the information on the other side that explains this exciting opportunity for us to give sacrificially. Will you join us and begin praying now about what God
would have you give, over and above your regular giving, to our Special Christmas Offering? Allow God to stretch your faith!

Your Friend and Pastor,
Dave Griewe