Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Tax Return Challenge!

Philippians 4:19 (NIV) “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

This is God's promise to meet all your needs, Isn't that awesome? YES IT IS!

How do you claim this promise? For every promise God gives there is a premise. Last Sunday I explained the premises to the promise of God meeting all our needs. (click here to listen to last Sunday's podcast) For review sake here they are: God says if you will...
• Ask for my help
• Learn to be content with what you have
• Begin tithing
• Live with integrity in all your financial dealings
• Trust Jesus with all your heart
God says... I promise to meet ALL your needs!

For many of us the most difficult premise is to begin tithing. I really want you to experience God's blessings just like I do. Therefore, I challenge you to begin to give something, no matter what your financial standing is and watch God bless you. If you are unable to give 10% start with 3% or 5% and commit to buld up to 10% as God blesses.

Here's a challenge that will help you experience God's blessing. It's called The TAX RETURN CHALLENGE. Here's how it works: Before you figure out your taxes, before you know what you will getting back, before you make any plans with what will do with your tax return - CONSIDER GOD FIRST. Commit ahead of time to give 10% , a tithe of your tax return, to your church, before you even know how much it is. When you get your tax return; before you spend it on your bills, a new TV, a vacation or put it into savings, give 10% right off the top to God.

Then sit back and watch God bless! And as God blesses you, share your blessings with your Life Group and with me. I love to hear how God takes care of His children. I'm looking forward to hear how God is blessing you!

Remember, I love you!
Pastor Dave

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Looking Back and Moving Forward at The River Church

If there is one thing that's true about church planting it that nothing stays the same for very long! Everything is always in a state of transition and you have to embrace being transition! That definitely been the case for our Ministry here at The River Church. Over the past year we have changed our location, our mission statement, our philosophy of ministry, and our strategy for reaching people for the Kingdom. Three key families came from sister churches to help us get started and they have since moved on. We started with three pastors all living on raised support and two have moved on as of the end of 2010. Our youth Ministry went through a change of leadership as we hired an intern in September who quit in October. We have since staffed the Youth Ministry with volunteers. Fortunately, and by the grace of God, we have fully embraced each and every transition!

We have seen small but steady growth every month for the past six months adding several new families and individuals who had previously been de-churched. Maybe the biggest change at The River is that we have embraced personal outreach by intentionally changing our world view to OIKOS: a paradigm through which a Christ-follower evaluates life, it’s purpose and events. The Greek word OIKOS translates to "extended family". God has given each of us our own little niche of humanity. Everyone has been given, on the average, anywhere from eight to fifteen people whom God has supernaturally and strategically placed in our relational world. God has placed these people in our OIKOS both for our benefit and for theirs; our benefit because we all need friends and their benefit so you can help them find their way to God. As we are in the process of understanding God's command to reach people for Christ, OIKOS has given us the intentional framework to reflect God's love to others. OIKOS help us see every relationship as a God given opportunity to reach others for the Kingdom of God.

We laid the OIKOS foundation of teaching in September and October and put it into action immediately. We initiated November as "Minute to Win It" month, taking about 3 minutes in our services to play a game for no other reason than pure fun! (Remember John 10:10; abundant life?) It was a huge hit! Also during November we started Friend Day, picking a specific day for everyone to bring a friend to church and our attendance that day grew by 50%! December we focused on Christmas. Our Chamber of Commerce sponsors "Eagle Country Christmas" in downtown Eagle where we had a booth giving away free hot chocolate and smore's. We had huge fire pit where people warmed themselves and "cooked" their smore's and we used that as an opportunity to invite them to our Community Christmas Eve service. Our attendance on Christmas Eve was up 20% from the previous year and we ended the year on a very positive note!

We excitedly looking forward to this what God will do at The River Church this year. Our focus through Easter is on spiritual growth and discipleship, while constantly keeping our eye on our OIKOS and who we can share our faith story with within our relational circle.

We appreciate your prayers for our continued growth; spiritually, numerically, and financially. Our biggest issue is finances. As a new church composed of previously de-churched and new believers giving is a sensitive subject. I will be teaching on giving once in January and once in February. I ask for your prayers in particular for these Sundays. We also face a new contract with the school district in March, which could see us looking for another meeting place; please pray for God's guidance and will to be done.

God bless you!
I love you!
Pastor Dave